
burda style skirt from Oct 2015 - Part 1


I have been shocked VW scandal lately as I have a VW car. My car is not diesel however I'm thinking  the same things could be happen to non diesel VW car..!
My trust of VW is completely gone. Why they hided such kind of scandal.. Instead of hide, they could solve the issue internally. But they didn't.  They didn't try to solve the issue and they just hided.

I have received an event invitation from VW car dealer last Friday but of course I will not go.
Poor VW car dealers, they will receive damage from these scandal.


Last Sunday, I have started to try to make a skirt from burda style Oct 2015.

At first I thought it should be very easy but! it was not easy for beginner's level.

1st. I stuck with this description from cutting out.
'waistband with 3cm underlap'

'underlap' ??? what is 'underlap'? 'waistband with underlap'?

I started to research it but all result showed underlap with zipper. It seems this term is related to zip.

I have decided to go ahead following the instruction.

dadadadadadadada (sewing machine sounds)

Okay, I have done the front part.

And, I realised another trap which I made myself.. (;_;)

When I traced pattern, I was thinking I had to modify the skirt length to shorter. The original pattern is for 169cm tall. Mine is 160cm. I have to short 9cm.

Unfortunately I completely forgot to do it as I was too much focus to 'underlap'....

While I was sewing the parts, I suddenly remember what I wanted to do.

Back skirt was okay. I could just shorten it.
But the front, was not possible because the skirt has 'slit'.

I had to cut the fabric again with modified patterns...
Luckily the fabric was came from bargain. it was 50p/ 1m!

Never mind..

After finishing cut all parts, I re-started to sew again.


 front part has done! :)


Yeah! skirt back done!

Then, when I started to move the next step, zip part, I realised I had another challenge...
Too many challenges in one skirt..

It's Fly Zip. Thanks, nowadays people posted tutorial on YouTube!

Somehow I cleared that level...

Oh.. dear.. so tired.

And next.. WHAT?! slip pocket?!

I have of course cut the pocket parts and fold the pieces of pieces together 3 or 4 ways. ?? Am I right?

Again I needed YouTube help...

Finally...! I passed all difficult parts! (I assume...)

 This is what I have done slide pocket. It looks correct.

Now time over...

To Be Continued...


I'm making fridge..

Previous night's post, my husband noticed I was making a fridge not fringe.

It seems I was making a fridge while watching TV. :)
I have never realised I had such kind of skill!

Fridge Image from Panasonic

Ha ha~!


Yesterday, I bought 'Made it today!' as they had a couple of free patters.

I have never bought UK sewing magazine but maybe I could try buy some other magazines.

But... this contents are not enough for me. I like burda style and threads.
threads is like teaching how to sew. I had some copies and they don't have free patterns however they are teaching how to change patterns, fabric information, describe the sitting and etc...

But this 'Made it today!', there are so many pictures but not so inspire-able. (sorry!)

For example, they have 'how make panties' but this subject is already done by threads few month back! Also thread's describe was much better... and price is cheaper..

Hope this magazine will be more interesting for stitches in the future.. Because I could buy it many places in UK.

I may need to look 'Sew' magazine.



VOGUE V7975 - Sewing Finish!!

It was a nice rugby match! Japan won! Beat the South Africa.. yay~!

Finally finished this jacket.. So happy!

I tried it on.. ah yes, perfectly works.. great!
This jacket will be my favourite in this Autumn. :)

Making fridge was a little taking time - so I did while watching TV.

And tomorrow, the first things I have to do, will be clearing the carpet.. so many mess around the desk.

Have a nice night :)


burda style October 2015!

I have got burda style October 2015 yesterday!

I thought maybe they are in the WH-smith, and yes they were ready!

Of course I have read all and decided I will make this skirt using the same fabric of Chanel type jacket.

That jacket is nearly done. I have made all fringes and ready to attach.
I'll not do until Saturday as I want to sew a little carefully.. it's cosmetic - obvious part.

Just came back from office... so tired. Only 1 day to go!

Have a nice evening,


VOGUE V7975 Sewing 5 - Finish Lining

I woke up nearly at lunch time today as I felt very tired.. Maybe too much in to lining!

Yesterday, after came back, I immediately went to sew the lining until nearly 20:00. My husband was grumpy because I didn't help his cooking.. Sorry, mu husband. I didn't notice you called me from the kitchen! Such a bad wife I was... so I cleaned up all plates.

Today, as I felt a little guilty, I started to clean our drive way. Cleaned rear garden removed all weeds!
It was what my husband wanted last few weeks.. he seems happy, :-p Hahaha~ :-D

Okay!! Now back to the lining!

Before starting sew the edge, I tried to hold nicely on the edge part. Put the jacket onto body and check the balance between right and left.

Looks good.

The edge part, instruction says I have to use 'slipstitch'.  Hey, I know slipstitch, I can do it! :0)
Just a carefully sewing the edge and see the balance sometimes.

Then done the edge! Yay, yay~!
V7975 edge done!
Nearly.. nearly there....

Now I have to sew sleeve part. This is a lining, no one could see inside. I feel so relax...
Instruction says I have to sew the same manner as jacket sleeve. I already cleared that part - a ha~!

From now on, all parts, I have to do hand sew..
V7975 sleeve hand sew
And done it! (Of course, only beautiful part I can show you..)
V7975 sleeve
 Was Ok until sewing raw edge of sleeve hem. I did a little mistaken the sewing and I did again but it was okay because not so many length I needed to sew.

And finally done all lining.. OH.. I need a nice massage...

Not finish yet! I have to make a lots of trims to complete the jacket!!!

ah... maybe not today... tired..

Hace a nice day!


VOGUE V7975 Sewing 4 - Lining

It was very busy night yesterday!
As mu husband was away, I did lining for my new jacket! yay!

Together with front side of lining...
V7975-lining-front side

Then, sew back parts...
Next, sew side and shoulder together...
Done! lining parts!

Now, stetting side and neck jacket and lining..
V 7975-lining-stitch-front-neck
After, I did under stitch..
V7975-under stitch
And turn facing and mining to inside.
That I have done last night!
Now I have to make fringe part.. :)

Good night!


VOGUE V7975 Sewing 3

Yesterday, I have started to create trim like this...for pocket!

And then... attached trim to pocket(fake one).

This pocket to attach to... front ..!

Next, done back part.. looks good! :D

Sew together front and back..

Good progress...

Then, Arm part. At this time, I have realised my traced pattern is for lining. So I had to add hem part and cut the fabric again.. :(

Done arm part ;-)

Okay, this is the difficult part. sew arm to body..
and done.
Hmm.. I don't like right arm part. I need to modify it..
Finish yesterday.

carry on to next weekend or will do little by little in this week..

Have a nice day!


VOGUE V7975 Preparation 2 - Patter Cut done. Fabric cut done!

It's getting cold. Today is only 14 C!
I was planning to use light fabric for making jacket, but this temperature made me changed.

I have decided to use more thicker fabric as this jacket will protect me from cooler weather..

One problem is I have already bought ribbon and trim. Now I have to buy another ribbon and trim.
What can I do....

Anyway, I have traced all pattern and modified for petite size.

My size is petite in UK but my size is not so petite in Japan.

Today I went to eye test and discovered I required glasses... (not say what kind of glasses.)
While I and optician were choosing frame, my optician brought me kids size frame.
They were fit to my face, I wondered my face size is kids size.. and optician said yes..

I was little shocked(kids size, kids size, kids size.... ahhhhh...) and realised kids size is cheaper than adults size! This fact changed my feeling!
I feel lucky now and my husband said all kids size are non tax! Oh yeah!
Next I thought I have to look at kids clothes section - maybe cheaper.. (no no no! I'm mature age!)

Today's my work done for preparation. :)

Cut all fabrics, lining and did interfacing.
Just sewing machine is waiting for next! (tomorrow~)

Have a nice evening!


VOGUE V7975 Preparation

Last Friday, I have bought a nice fabric - and I really love it.
When I saw that fabric, this must be for jacket!

Now I have been tracing the pattern everyday a little by little...

As this is like Chanel style jacket, I have visited some sewing bloggers to steal the techniques.. (joke!)

So many people are making this kind of jackets - it's good to know how they made it.

Like ribbon and trim. I thought why I needed two kind of this?
After researching I now know I have to use ribbon and add the trim on it. (If I understood correctly...)

My plan is I will buy something very nice ribbon and trim for my new jacket in this weekend.

Ah... I can't want..

Have a nice evening,
